Matakana Classic 2015 Riders Information


To be held on the 31st October 2015


Pahoia Beach Reserve. Located 20mins north of Tauranga is Pahoia. Head down Pahoia Road, then turn left into Pahoia Beach Road. There is a small reserve with limited car-parking at the end. Trailer parking will be on the grass verge leading down towards the reserve. A tractor will be on site for launching. Suggest bringing either a beach trolley or anchor.
There is plenty of grassed area to set up pop-up’s etc. There is a toilet block onsite.
Due to the tidal nature of the harbour, and the subsequent shallowness, timing is essential for this race.
–  0730-0900 Safety/Tech Inspection. Please be here in plenty of time to have this done. We won’t be waiting for you if you’re late. Suggest that once your ski has been inspected, it gets put in the water.
–  1000 Riders Briefing
–  1100 Matakana Classic Race starts.
–  1110 TJSA Social Ride (Around Matakana) begins.
–   1330-1400ish Prize-giving & BBQ on the grassed area at the reserve
–   Later: Dinner and Drinks, venue to be confirmed on the day.



Thanks to our sponsors, Action Sports Direct, Spray Technologies, Prolan Lanolin Lubricants, Southern Orchards Ltd and Seadoo/BRP we have a fantastic prize pool up for grabs.
From Action Sports Direct and Spray Technologies, we have $2000 towards the class prizes, and something for the overall winner!
ProLan Lanolin Lubricants have supplied some product to keep the corrosion at bay, Southern Orchards have kindly provided some MTA vouchers and food goodies, and Seadoo/BRP have some great swag!
2 Laps of Matakana Island. Approx. 55-60kms per lap. There is a compulsory stop and dismount at Pahoia after the first lap.
Safety Gear:
All riders must wear a minimum PFD3 lifejacket at all times whilst on their ski. Suitable footwear and a regulation helmet must be worn. A wetsuit or warm clothing is recommended. A fully charged cellphone, in a dry bag, must be kept on the ski at all times during the race. A printout of phone numbers will be given to riders at the briefing. This is to go on the ski as well. VHF radio will be in use, channel 66. Ski’s must have a tow loop attached, and a tow rope.
Other requirements:
All Riders must be NZJSBA members, or ride under a day license (first one free, thereafter $30. Max 2 per year)
Riders MUST sign a NZJSBA Indemnity Form.
A parent or guardian MUST sign if the competitor is under 18 years of age.
Runabout Stock
Runabout Open
Runabout Teams Open
Runabout Naturally Aspirated Open
All classes subject to numbers.
Social Ride:
The TJSA are holding a social ride alongside the Endurance race. This is one of our regular social rides that the club hold throughout the year. They are going to be leaving just after the racers start, and head around Matakana for one lap. If you would like to come and be part of this, please feel free. Contact person for the social ride is Matt Kneesch. For further information email:
For further Information:
Please either give me a call or send an email
Rob Larman
027 705 3007