We hope you are looking forward to a great weekend of racing, time trials, and multi-skilled adventure - Fun for all the family!!. We’d like to thank you for entering and getting involved with the inaugural event. The below email is just to let you know a few key items for the weekend so you know what to expect on the day.
Event Site - Alcohol, Dogs & Parking
The Mighty River Domain is a fantastic event site. It has plenty of space, a lot of parking etc, but we are also sharing it with other events on over the weekend so we have to be mindful of them. We are required by the Mighty River Domain policies to make sure you are aware of the following:
ALCOHOL: There is an alcohol ban throughout the duration of the event. No alcohol is to be consumed anywhere in on the Mighty River Domain. This is a council requirement and as such can be enforced and breaching it will result in your removal from the event.
DOGS: The Mighty River Domain has a strict policy on dogs. They are PROHIBITED anywhere on the Mighty River Domain. Vehicles with dogs will be asked to leave and there is a $500 fine for any breach of this policy.
See the map below with regards to the following instructions.
All event vehicles and trailers must park up on the grass area near the accommodation lodge. This is where we will perform the scrutineering of your watercraft. From there we will schedule you to bring your trailer down to the event site and unload your skis into the pits area. We may have a quad bike to do this for you otherwise you will be instructed to do so yourself. Please obey the directions of our parking marshals. Once you have dropped your skis and gear off you will need to return your vehicle/trailer to the grass area up by the accomodation lodge.
NOTE: You cannot park at any time outside the Sir Don Rowlands centre. Even though the car park may appear empty there is a function on there over the weekend and the car park is closed to our event.
If you’re heading to Karapiro on Friday 21st there will be the opportunity to come a sign-in and get your watercraft scrutineered in the afternoon so you don’t have to do this on the Saturday morning. The event crew will be setting up the site from 12pm onwards. We will open for sign-in and scrutineering from 2pm for a couple of hours.
Otherwise you will be able to sign-in and have your watercraft scrutineered on either Saturday or Sunday mornings from 8:30am to 9:30am. Please don’t turn up at 9:25am and think you’ll just sneak through the process quickly.
You must sign-in (complete the appropriate waivers etc) before unloading watercraft and/or going out on the lake.
Event Staff - Site Setup - 12pm - 5pm
Early bird Sign-in and Scrutineering - 2pm - 4pm
and Scrutineering - 8:30am - 9:30am
Riders Safety Briefing - 10am ** Compulsory **
and Scrutineering - 8:30am - 9:30am
Riders Safety Briefing - 10am ** Compulsory **
Part of the event safety procedures is to make sure your watercraft is safe. This includes a general check of it to ensure that there is nothing that could cause you or others harm. Our team will take a quick look over it to make sure there are no issues and sign it off. This check will include, but not limited to, ensuring that everything its tightened down and no sharp fins/sponsons etc, no broken engine mounts, all fuel lines secured, working safety lanyard etc. You also must have a small tow loop attached to the factory loop/hole at the front of your ski. Please ensure you fit something before coming.
We will also check your helmet and life vest for its condition. Please don’t be offended if our scrutineering staff pull the straps out of your helmet due to it being in poor condition. Our checks are there to ensure your safety. You will require a helmet and vest for both racing and/or time trial events. Wetsuits and appropriate footwear are strongly recommended as well.
NOTE: SKI (STAND-UP) RIDERS: A requirement for racing is that you wear an approved back protector. If you are a regular competitor in the sport you will already own one. If this is your first event and you do not own one please let the team know at registration. We will endeavour to find someone to loan you one for each of your races. If you have the opportunity to get one before the event please do so.
What to Bring??
Well obviously yourself, your watercraft, fuel, etc but what else do we suggest?
If you have access to a pop-up tent (Ezi-up etc) we’d suggest bringing that along. You can either erect it on the pavement in the pit area or on the grass area next to it. We do need you to ensure that you bring pegs and weights to weight it down - this is a requirement from the event site. Un-secured pop-up tents will have to be taken down.
Sunscreen and a hat is a must - the forecast is looking great for the weekend and the sun will be out. We don’t want anyone going full lobster this early in the year so please make sure you slip slop slap at the event.
We suggest you also bring plenty of water to keep yourselves hydrated. See below re food and beverages.
Food and Beverages
We’re going to be running a BBQ each day for lunch with not only the classic “Bunnings snag” (sausage sandwich) but a sophisticated take on that with a Bacon and Sausage Sandwich option. We know right?? We will also have some water and classic fizzy drinks for sale too. So there is something easy on offer to keep you fuelled for the day and no doubt some great company too around the BBQ. Note: Bring cash.
There is also a fantastic café on-site at the Mighty River Domain - the Podium Café - which is usually open from 8am through till 3:30pm. They have a great selection of both food and beverages.
We suggest you bring along plenty of refreshments to keep you going throughout the day. Please note that at all times the event area (Mighty River Domain) is alcohol free.
If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the office at info@nzjetsport.org.nz.
Look forward to seeing you there.
The Jet Fest Events Team